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ODA Code of Ethics

This code of ethics is established to promote and maintain the highest professional conduct among the Managers and Members of Optical Dispensing Australia (ODA).

ODA is committed to professional excellence and leading and supporting the Australian Optical Dispensing community to reach its potential. Members are expected to adhere to the Members Code of Conduct through responsible self-regulation to ensure the reputation of ODA as a professional industry network.

The management of ODA subscribes to the following Code of Ethics under which it commits itself to:

  • Deal honestly and fairly with our Members and Partners.

  • Encourage Members in the pursuit of excellence and promote ODA’s reputation.

  • Maintain a high standard of service to all Members and Partners.

  • Deal justly with our employees, and with those whom we contact.

  • Conduct our business so the health and safety of our Employees, Members, Partners and the Community, are safeguarded.

  • Avoid all contact or practice likely to discredit or do injury to the Optical Dispensing Profession.

  • Give our informed and vigorous support to all sound legislation effecting the Optical Dispensing Profession.

  • Co-operate in aiding the advancement of the Optical Dispensing Profession.


ODA Members Code of Conduct

As a Member of ODA, you must subscribe to the ODA Code of Conduct, the guiding principles and objectives of which are:

  • Compliance, not only with the law, but with the minimum industry standards of conduct prescribed in this Code.

  • Accountability for any transgressions of this Code.

  • Promotion of an efficient, competitive and ethical Optical Dispensing Industry.

  • Providing your clients with the confidence that using an ODA Member ensures a high level of service and skill.

  • To act at all times with honesty, integrity and responsibility.

  • To engage in no practice which might tend to lower the standards applicable to the Optical Dispensing Industry.

  • To observe both the spirit and the letter of the relevant laws of the Commonwealth, States and Territories in which we operate.

  • To understand the principles of fair-trading legislation.

  • To bring any known breach of the Code by a Member to the attention of ODA without delay.


As an ODA Member you agree to:


  • Act at all times in a manner which is consistent with the good name, goodwill and reputation of ODA.

  • Maintain the confidentiality of any information disclosed to you by ODA under an obligation of confidence, or in circumstances where confidentiality was reasonably implied.

  • Not purport to represent ODA, when making public comment about your personal views.

  • Respect other members of ODA including being supportive and respectful when contributing to the online forum.

  • Ensure that if you are marketing any goods or services, you do not in any way imply that those goods or services were endorsed by or are being supplied directly by ODA.

  • Behave with fairness and courtesy towards ODA members and employees and not engage in any behaviour that is violent, threatening or abusive.

  • Only use the ODA logo in such ways outlined in the ODA Copyright Guidelines. The ODA logo must not be used in a way likely to damage or dishonour ODA.

Meet Our Corporate Partners

Australia's peak body for the Optical Dispensing profession.

Phone: 1300 OUR ODA

ABN: 52 651 134 262

Optical Dispensers Australia Pty Ltd

Sydney, NSW, Australia


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