Chedy Kalach
Chedy began his optical life over twenty years ago, when he first qualified as an Orthoptist in 2001, and soon after moved into the retail and spectacle sphere of Optical Dispensing. Working with both corporate chains and independent practices, Chedy's passion for learning and growth led him to begin his teaching career in 2009. This path has seen Chedy teach across a variety of TAFE NSW institutes in both Australia and New Zealand.
Chedy is passionate about the Optical Dispensing profession and loves seeing trainee dispensers achieve in the profession. This passion has culminated with Chedy, in partnership with James Gibbins, launching Australasia’s now largest school of optical dispensing – The Australasian College of Optical Dispensing (ACOD), enrolling students throughout Australia and New Zealand, and seeing the Optical Dispensing industry grow and thrive.